Actions: Installing QGIS
Estimated time: 30 minutes _______________________________
Actions: Download Remote Sensing Data, Check for Cloud Cover
Estimated time: 30 minutes _______________________________
Actions: Create a Print Layout, Add a Legend and Text, Add a Scale Bar and North Arrow, Export Map
Estimated time: 40 minutes _______________________________
Actions: ESI, Time Series (Point) Data, GeoJSON
Estimated time: 30 minutes _______________________________
Estimated time: 30 minutes |
Actions: Making Basemaps, Adding Layers
Estimated time: 30 minutes _______________________________
Actions: Add an Advanced Basemap, Import Remote Sensing Data to QGIS
Estimated time: 30 minutes _______________________________
Actions: Download ETdaily and ETinst data, Install ET Colorscale
Estimated time: 30 minutes _______________________________
Actions: Average Two Different Raster Layers
Estimated time: 30 minutes |
Actions: Drawing Shapefiles
Estimated time: 30 minutes _______________________________
Actions: Identify Data Quality Compromised By Clouds, Map Cloud Cover
Estimated time: 30 minutes _______________________________
Actions: ETinterception, ETcanopy, ETsoil, Water Use Efficiency, WUE
Estimated time: 30 minutes _______________________________
Estimated time: 30 minutes |
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